Super views of the nesting Peregrines near Aviemore today while guiding for BWWC guests, with three chicks visible on the ledge. Shortly after arriving the female brought in a large prey item which kept them happy for the rest of the afternoon, with the male keeping guard from a nearby branch.
Besides the birds the sky was pretty spectacular too, with some very eerie looking clouds descending from over the Cairngorms. A good example of mammatus, caused by descending rather than rising air as it passes over high ground, and the name mammatus should be self evident as to what they look like!
Breeding is now in full swing in the Highlands, though the final arrival of the majority of Spotted Flycatchers was only last week and some of the poplar trees are still only just coming in to leaf. Slavonian Grebes are just getting down to nesting, several weeks later than usual also. Most of the snow has now melted on the hills and Dotterel were showing yesterday still fairly low down saving a bit of a walk at least. It's time to enjoy the long June days and at last some warm weather, the first for months.
Besides the birds the sky was pretty spectacular too, with some very eerie looking clouds descending from over the Cairngorms. A good example of mammatus, caused by descending rather than rising air as it passes over high ground, and the name mammatus should be self evident as to what they look like!
Breeding is now in full swing in the Highlands, though the final arrival of the majority of Spotted Flycatchers was only last week and some of the poplar trees are still only just coming in to leaf. Slavonian Grebes are just getting down to nesting, several weeks later than usual also. Most of the snow has now melted on the hills and Dotterel were showing yesterday still fairly low down saving a bit of a walk at least. It's time to enjoy the long June days and at last some warm weather, the first for months.